Protecting Your Employment Complaint Lawsuit: Tips from Hux Law Firm

If you feel as though your employer has violated your rights, there are a number of different actions you can lawfully take. Many Ohio employees may have filed an employment claim at some point in their career — for reasons pertaining to workplace harassment, workplace discrimination, wage violations, hostile work environments, wrongful termination, and Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission claims. 

Those who have gone through this process know that filing a claim against an employer can be a daunting task, and workers filing a claim for the first time may fear retaliation. By making sure you are taking the right steps throughout the process, you can make the claim process smoother and give your claim a fighting chance with the help of federal and state laws.  

Below, the team at Hux Law Firm walks Ohio workers through a few invaluable tips in the employment claim process.  

Thoroughly Document Your Employment Claim

When protecting your employment complaint or wrongful termination lawsuit, it may be helpful to imagine that you are building your case in the way a detective might. The first step in building this case is to document any action you take related to your complaint. Whenever possible, employment complaints should be made in writing — and if you are unable to make a written complaint, do your best to document it some other way. By documenting your claim to the best of your ability, you protect your employment complaint backed by several labor laws. 

Retrace Your “Steps”

Like any good “detective,” building a timeline of events is another crucial component of your case. By documenting a timeline, you can keep valuable information about your case readily available — and combat loss of useful information which may occur as memories fade. As your case progresses (and as your situation changes,) be sure to update your timeline so that it always reflects the most current circumstances. 

Gather Evidence

In an employment lawsuit, digital evidence is extremely valuable. Correspondence ranging from text messages, emails, and even social media posts can serve as evidence in an employment complaint lawsuit — and failure to preserve evidence may hurt your case. Even if you don’t think it’s useful, it’s wise to hold on to any evidence you have.  

Explore New Opportunities

If your employment complaint lawsuit is pertaining to retaliation or an FMLA violation, there is a possibility that you were wrongfully terminated from your position and are currently out of work. Employment claim timelines can be lengthy, and looking for a new job is a required step in protecting your financial future. To receive unemployment benefits in Ohio, individuals are required to actively search for employment — and make no less than two contacts to employers a week. To make reporting your job search process to the unemployment office easier, use job search sites which allow you to see which positions you have applied for. 

Call On Hux Law Firm

An employment case can be a lengthy process, and there are many pros and cons to quitting your job if you feel an employer has violated your rights. For this reason, reach out to Hux Law Firm before making any decisions around an employment discrimination lawsuit. Our team can give you the guidance you need to navigate this process, and help you decide if pursuing a lawsuit against your employer is the right decision. 

For more information about employment complaint lawsuits, and for help determining if your rights as an employee have been violated, call our office at (937) 315-1106 or complete our online contact form