FMLA Claims

Family and Medical Leave Rights 

If you work for a business that has fifty or more employees; have been there for at least 12 months; and worked at least 1,250 hours over the previous year, you qualify for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”).

You have the right to unpaid leave to manage a family or medical issue and while you do, your employer must protect your job.

Under FMLA an employee  is guaranteed to keep their job while they deal with the kind of issues that always pop up in real life. 

Many employees, however, have no idea they have FMLA rights. Worse, some employers refuse to recognize FMLA.    

If your employment qualifies you for family and medical leave and your employer refuses, your rights have been violated. If your employer retaliates against you for seeking or taking family or medical leave, your rights have been violated.

You do not need to put up with it, fight back – with Hux Law Firm, LLC’s help.

What is the FMLA?

The Family and Medical Leave Act was passed in 1993.

FMLA provides eligible employees with up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave from their employment for any of the following:

  • To care for a newborn child.
  • Adoption.
  • To care for a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition.
  • To receive treatment for a serious health condition that renders the employee temporarily unable to perform their duties.

It is illegal for employers of eligible workers to deny or interfere with FMLA rights. 

Retaliation and FMLA Claims

Employees have the right  to use FMLA and expect that it will not have an impact on their employment..

Unfortunately, that is not the case with a troubling number of employers. Most are more subtle to straight out fire the employee.

Instead, they retaliate by:

  • Promote someone less qualified in your place.
  • Cut salary and/or hours.
  • Transfers you to an undesirable location.
  • Cut benefits

What to Do

If you think your employer has – or is in the process of – violating your rights under the  FMLA do not hesitate, report it – and call Hux Law Firm LLC immediately

FMLA is an extraordinarily complex area of employment law.  It is vital that you document everything. Performance reviews, HR meetings, emails, memos, anything in writing. Make notes after every conversation and call. 

Don’t go this alone.

Take Action

Call Hux Law Firm, LLC for a free consultation. Now. 

We know the process, we know the courts, and we know what’s at stake. If your employer is making a stressful time in your life more stressful by ignoring FMLA,   tell us your story. We can help.  FLMA issues in the workplace are far too common. We can help. CALL NOW.