This is one of the most common questions that Hux Law Firm encounters. Employees who have been wronged in this way are often eager to get justice and to find out the determination of their case. While this is a very normal reaction, it can be hard to give a client an exact time frame […]
Employment rights are always an important topic for those who own businesses. There are often complex laws surrounding discrimination that come into play when employees need to be released from a contract, fired, or hired. For businesses that are seeking to maintain a fair and legal employee hiring and disciplinary process, discrimination is a key […]
As a dedicated employee who works hard every day, you shouldn’t be subjected to workplace harassment. Both federal and Ohio law prohibits many forms of this unlawful conduct, which falls under employment discrimination. Unfortunately, knowing what qualifies as harassment on the job can be challenging because your experience may not meet the legal standard needed […]
Under Ohio and federal employment law, American workers have certain rights that their employers must respect. If violated, employees have to report these instances to be investigated. This is also the case if someone witnesses a coworker having their rights trampled. But the reality is, many who are discriminated against or harassed at work won’t […]
There are several ways mental illness discrimination can occur in the workplace, both indirectly and directly. If you are an employee with a mental health condition, you must understand your rights under Ohio and federal law. While there are legal protections for workers dealing with mental illness, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits companies […]
If you decide to file an employment discrimination suit against your employer in Ohio, you might be curious about the damages you could win. Because every case is unique, there is no way to give a precise value. However, several types of losses are awarded in these cases. What are Damages? When an employer unfairly […]
One of the most significant benefits of employing older workers is the industry knowledge and experience they possess. Unfortunately, some companies focus on their age and the future need for leave, insurance, and possible retirement benefits they might require. This can lead employers to consider younger candidates first and pass over their older workforce for […]
Despite the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act prohibiting employment discrimination based on disability, it still happens. If you were denied employment or your job is trying to force you to quit because of your condition, it might be necessary to file a lawsuit. While this is usually the final step in […]