Archive: Tag: employer

What’s the Equality Act?

Some big news in employment law happened when the Equality Act passed in the House of Representatives.  Although the Equality Act passed in the House of Representatives before, it unfortunately never made it further than that. Both versions of the Equality Act are essentially the same and set out to accomplish the same goal:expanding anti-discrimination […]

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Are Uber Drivers Employees?

Recently, Uber and Lyft were in the news and it wasn’t for some feel good reason, or because some new celebrity decided to dress up in disguise and drive around unsuspecting passengers until some big reveal. No, they’re in the news now because they threatened to shut down operations in California, during the middle of […]

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Coronavirus and Discrimination at Work

Lately, it is impossible to turn on the news without hearing about the spread of Coronavirus.  Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has caused Americans and people all over the world to flock to get masks, prompted governments to restrict travel, and cruise lines to quarantine passengers.  There have even been rumors of cancelling the 2020 Summer Olympics […]

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